Tag: Insulin Resistance
Stop snacking
I don’t snack a lot, because I didn’t grow up snacking. -Venus Williams And what’s the problem with snacks, Heather? Do you hate joy? I don’t hate joy. I love snacks! I spent my life (as an obese person) eating lots of snacks! Snacks are delicious! Even the word snack makes me feel happy. The thing is, there…
The dose makes the poison
The reason it is so hard to definitively say what is the best possible human diet is because we are so adaptable. We can make so many things work and survive in all kinds of food environments. That’s the good news. “All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose permits something…
Insulin resistance is the problem.
Do you know what has been driving your weight problem your whole life? You have more body fat than you want. You have tried to eat less. You have tried to burn it off with exercise. Neither has worked dependably well. Do you know why the extra fat is there in the first place? It…